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[node:author] | Jan Gnapp |
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[node:author:field_contact_fax] | |
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[node:author:created] | Mon, 10/01/2018 - 11:24 |
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[node:author:created:long] | Monday, October 1, 2018 - 11:24 |
[node:author:created:medium] | Mon, 10/01/2018 - 11:24 |
[node:author:created:raw] | 1538389453 |
[node:author:created:short] | 10/01/2018 - 11:24 |
[node:author:created:since] | 6 years 2 months |
[node:author:created:uk_format] | 01/10/2018 - 11:24 |
[node:author:edit-url] | https://www.canvasworks.org/user/19/edit |
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[node:author:last-login] | Sat, 10/10/2020 - 15:56 |
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[node:author:last-login:long] | Saturday, October 10, 2020 - 15:56 |
[node:author:last-login:medium] | Sat, 10/10/2020 - 15:56 |
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[node:author:last-login:short] | 10/10/2020 - 15:56 |
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[node:author:metatag:shortlink] | https://www.canvasworks.org/node/383/devel/token |
[node:author:metatag:title] | Jan Gnapp | Canvas Works |
[node:author:metatag:dcterms.creator] | Jan Gnapp |
[node:author:metatag:dcterms.date] | 2018-10-01T11:24+01:00 |
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[node:author:metatag:dcterms.identifier] | https://www.canvasworks.org/node/383/devel/token |
[node:author:metatag:dcterms.title] | Jan Gnapp |
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[node:author:metatag:og:title] | Jan Gnapp |
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[node:author:metatag:og:site_name] | Canvas Works |
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[node:body] | Every Limited Edition handcrafted bag and bracelet has its own story to tell, however due to the limited source materials available, there are only so many of these unique products that can be made.
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[node:content-type] | Basic page |
[node:content-type:description] | Use basic pages for your static content, such as an 'About us' page. |
[node:content-type:edit-url] | https://www.canvasworks.org/admin/structure/types/manage/page |
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[node:changed:short] | 06/13/2022 - 15:35 |
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[node:changed:uk_format] | 13/06/2022 - 15:35 |
[node:created] | Fri, 08/16/2019 - 13:52 |
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[node:created:medium] | Fri, 08/16/2019 - 13:52 |
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[node:created:short] | 08/16/2019 - 13:52 |
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[node:created:uk_format] | 16/08/2019 - 13:52 |
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[node:domain:name] | Canvas Works |
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[node:metatag] | |
[node:metatag:canonical] | https://www.canvasworks.org/node/383/devel/token |
[node:metatag:generator] | Drupal 7 (https://www.drupal.org) |
[node:metatag:shortlink] | https://www.canvasworks.org/node/383/devel/token |
[node:metatag:description] | Every Limited Edition handcrafted bag and bracelet has its own story to tell, however due to the limited source materials available, there are only so many of these unique products that can be made. |
[node:metatag:title] | Canvas Works Webshop | Canvas Works |
[node:metatag:dcterms.creator] | Jan Gnapp |
[node:metatag:dcterms.date] | 2019-08-16T13:52+01:00 |
[node:metatag:dcterms.description] | Every Limited Edition handcrafted bag and bracelet has its own story to tell, however due to the limited source materials available, there are only so many of these unique products that can be made. |
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[node:metatag:dcterms.identifier] | https://www.canvasworks.org/node/383/devel/token |
[node:metatag:dcterms.language] | en |
[node:metatag:dcterms.title] | Canvas Works Webshop |
[node:metatag:dcterms.type] | Text |
[node:metatag:article:modified_time] | 2022-06-13T15:35:59+01:00 |
[node:metatag:article:published_time] | 2019-08-16T13:52:03+01:00 |
[node:metatag:og:description] | Every Limited Edition handcrafted bag and bracelet has its own story to tell, however due to the limited source materials available, there are only so many of these unique products that can be made. |
[node:metatag:og:updated_time] | 2022-06-13T15:35:59+01:00 |
[node:metatag:og:title] | Canvas Works Webshop |
[node:metatag:og:type] | article |
[node:metatag:og:url] | https://www.canvasworks.org/node/383/devel/token |
[node:metatag:og:site_name] | Canvas Works |
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Canvas Works: Upcycling to a brighter future
Canvas Works is an innovative social enterprise programme wholly owned by Oarsome Chance.
Social enterprise that brings about change in young lives
We use donated sails, canvas materials, ropes and much more, crafting them into ‘upcycled’ products such as wallets, bags and bracelets.
This gives Canvas Works, the perfect platform to train young people in industry standard skills to help achieve a brighter future.
In our fully equipped studio, students are involved with the design and construction of the products through our in-house training programme.
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[node:field_show_search_block] | |
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[node:summary] | Every Limited Edition handcrafted bag and bracelet has its own story to tell, however due to the limited source materials available, there are only so many of these unique products that can be made.
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[node:field_tags] | |
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[node:title] | Canvas Works Webshop |
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[node:url:unaliased] | https://www.canvasworks.org/node/383 |
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